Friday, March 30, 2012

Mozilla cannot run Reports ? Toolbar squishered?

I have most stuff configured to look good through Mozilla, and the reports
I'm working on themselves don't look bad in the browser.
However, the ReportViewer control Toolbar (with the export options, refresh
button etc) is compressed horizontally causing it to flow onto 3 or so
seperate horizontal lines, when it's rendered.
Now, I've tried running it in tables, divs, etc. I can't find anything on
the page which would cause this to happen. Does anyone know if this bar
does not display correctly through Mozilla?
I have a feeling it will not display correctly through Mozilla if it's made
up of mested tables (the ReportViewer toolbar) ?
Any light shone on the matter, appreciated.
Matt Swift"Matt Swift" wrote:
> I have a feeling it will not display correctly through Mozilla if it's made
> up of mested tables (the ReportViewer toolbar) ?
> Any light shone on the matter, appreciated. might help you, it will show you which particular
standards IE is set up to ignore here..|||How well does Mozilla handle other ActiveX controls? The ReportViewer
control Toolbar is an ActiveX control right?|||"veganopolis" wrote:
> How well does Mozilla handle other ActiveX controls?
Mozilla doesn't do ActiveX.
>The ReportViewer control Toolbar is an ActiveX control right?
No, it's ASP.NET which involves a lot of proprietary JavaScript-like
extensions, and some hidden form fields that contain gigantic strings that
look like this: dDw1MzgxO3Q8O2w8aTwxPjs+O2w8dDw7bDxp...etc etc.
Tim|||Although Mozilla doesn't support ActiveX out_of_the_box, there is an
ActiveX compatabe plugin:
(there are probably many more open source implementations of this.
quick googling...)
I am new to RS so I do not know how MS implemented their ReportViewer
control Toolbar. I only remember the similar solution they have use
with their Office apps, which was an ActiveX control.
Matt Swift: If this control toolbar is JS, and written by MS, I
wouldn't expect it to work at all for another browser. But I am still
interested in how this pans out.

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